Private Investment Consultancy

Whether driven by the increasing complexity of the global markets or a short term need for investment expertise more institutions, companies, family offices, and high net worth individuals are turning to outsourced resources like New West Capital to pursue their goals.

We provide a select suite of services in a consultative and customized fashion to deliver objective advice on your long-term investment policy or goals.

Our Services

  • Thematic Portfolios

    Be it an industry specific application of our Quality approach, or a particular market theme not present in the current allocation mix, we can structure a customized portfolio that aligns with your target investment policy and goals.

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    Outsourced Chief Investment Officer

    Whether evaluating an investment opportunity, seeking better risk management, or looking for insights to further align your investments with your business or mission, we can serve as an extension of your investment team.

  • Private Business Advisory

    All businesses eventually face a transition. Raise more capital for growth? Partner? Sell some or all of the business? Pass it on? We provide customized advice to business owners looking to create, preserve or transfer wealth.

Contact us to discuss how we can help.